Jessica and Nick Version 2.O
Jessica has got to be pissed that her little sister has become the prettier and more successful of the Simpson sisters. But now to add insult to injury Ashlee is engaged! She and Pete Wentz announce their plans to take the plung yesterday in a statment saying "We know there has been a lot of speculation recently about Pete and I, and we wanted our fans to be the first to know, because you guys are the best. Yes, we are thrilled to share that we are happily engaged." BRING ON THE PREGANANCY RUMORS!!!
Idol Gives Back
I must admit that last nights Idol was a really good show! I mean the lineup was sick!
Snoop Dogg and Charlie Wilson
Mariah Carey
Annie Lennox
Miley Cyrus
Carrie Underwood
Fergie with John Legend
Gloria Estefan
.........but this one takes the cake!!!!
A Role fit for Lindsey
Lindsey Lohan is se desperate to revive her acting career that she has agreed to star as a nymphomanic in the low budget drama 'Florence'. And she's only getting paid $40,000! and Insider says that Lindsey doesn't care that she's getting paid peanuts because she wants everyone to remeber that she can act and that she is worth hiring. So worth it in fact that producers told her that she olny had to got topless for a sex scene but she wanted to do a full frontal! Atta girl! Take one for the team! YUCK!!!!!
Extra Shizzz
Did she have some work done?
Ok this is mean but if Miley Cryus got her teeth fixed then she did her good deed for the day . One insider said "It looks as though she's had some porcelain veneers put on her front teeth. And her small incisors appear to have been covered to make them look longer and more balanced with the rest of her mouth."
Rhianna's New Ink
Now Rhianna is my kind of chick! She has something like five tattoos on her body. I have two so far and i've been itching to get another one......I'm thinking I want to get this on under my calf right about my ankle....dang I really want to go get it!!!
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