Us Weekly was reporting earlier today that AshleySimpson was expecting her first child with her new hubby to be Pete Wentz, but Wentz has squashed the claim. He told MTV News, "There is a witch hunt for people to be pregnant whenever they get engaged in Hollywood. This is all news to me. I can't wait for the story about how I'm really in a gay relationship and this is all just a cover... I mean really, this is crazy... I mean were engaged, that's true, and happy about it." Pete and Ashlee announced their engagement last week. Good thing because judging by the picture above that kid wouldn't be too pretty.
Britney is Back to her old Tricks
And just when we though Brit Brit was going back to normal she got into a car accident this weekend. And all because she was too busy checking her makeup to concentrate on driving. Seeing as how she always looks like poo these days it really wasn't worth it. And it looks like her ex Adnan Galib is still finding ways to stay in the public eye. He was attacked by a stalker not long after Britney got into her accident. He apparently had a stab would to his arm, facial lacerations and a black eye. It looks like hooking up with Britney is bad karma for some.
She Popped!!
I really hope this is the end of the celebrity procreation phase for a while. Cate Blanchett gave birth to her third child over the weekend, a son that she named....wait for it.... Ignatius Martin Upton. Are you friggin kidding me? What up Iggy! How you doing. That kid is gonna have some fond schoolboy memories coming to him!
Bringing Sexy back from the Grave
Marylin Monroe may have died decades ago but she's still a smoking hot sex symbol today. There is a sex tape starring Ms. Monore from back in the 50's that has surfaced and a New York buisiness man just perchaced the only known copy to the original for a whopping $1.5 million dollars!
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