I think I am seeing a window into the future, a future of head shaving, hoo-haa showing and bad marriages.... sound familiar? Don't forget< Britney started out as a disney sweetheart! Apparently the racy photos of Miley Cyrus caused so much traffic on the Vatinty Fair website yesterday that thesite was temporarily shut down. Something like 4 million people hit up the site! Dayyyyum pervs!
Mr and Mrs. Madden?

Oh snap! Nicole's gonna be a little jelly! Paris and Benji are so in love and "serious" that Joel has been calling miz Hilton his sister-in-law. Paris is probaly just trying to one up Nicole because she didnt get any attention when baby Harlow was born.
Amy and Blake Forever

UgH! amy Winehouse was so upset that everyone was spreading rumors that she was cheating on Blake with her managers assistant Alex Haynes, that she went to her
trusty paparazzi friend to set the records straight. Here's how it all played out...Winehouse got into a huge screaming match with her father, Mitch, at her home on Monday,Amy then stepped outside her front door, visibly shaken, to "set the record straight". Wino began to attack the media for spreading "lies after lies after lies" about her. One photog states that "Her father arrives, goes into her house and gives her a massive bollocking. You could just hear screaming and shouting inside. He was telling her, 'You've got to f-ing pull yourself together.' We just heard swearing and shouting."The paparazzi continues, "I ended up having a 10-minute conversation with her on the doorstep. She insisted she is not divorcing Blake. She's totally in love with him. I said, 'How are things?' She said, 'It's beautiful. The summer's come and I can't wait to get my Blake back.'"
Extra Shizz
Are you Serious?

I love the Hill....but come on!

When did Gweneth become a MILF??
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