Dum dum da dum...... Ealirer this week beyonce and Jay-Z got a marriage liscence in NY and rumor has is that today is the big day. Adding to the rumors Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams made a youtube video yesterday saying that they were "out of town"....The bridesmaids have arrived! What do think Beyonce is gonna make them wear? probably something hideous! Here's the video....
There are the flowers outside Jay-Z’s apartment in NY, and the wedding tent set up on the roof!
Calm Down Girl!
Naomi Cambell needs to chill! She was arrested yesterday at Heathrow airport for spitting on a cop! And her little hissy fit was all because of the fact that she had too much junk with her. When they told her that one piece of her luggage wasn't going to make it on the plane she flipped out and got dragged of to jail. ANGER MANAGMENT!!!!
John Mayer is BI?
Ok, so I know that John Mayer is out there but I highly doubt this is true. Perez Hilton is saying that on New Years Eve Mayer kissed him and was really excited about it if you know what I mean. Perez says that his then GF Jessica Simpson even wanted to get in on the action. YUCK! But John is denying this in his blog. He wrote " Please, Queen, if anyone is struggling with their sexuality, it's you, not me." Girl fight!!!!
Extra Shizz
Madonna is a tough cookie!
Madonna was talking about her hubby Guy Ritchie the other day and she said " I had to marry someone as tough as me, Guy's definitly tough. I had to marry a challenge, otherwise I would get bored." Ok Madge, we know your tough one but ease up on the working out....your starting to look like a dude with those guns!
No babies for Renee
Well at least one celebrity isn't jumping on the baby tain this year. Renee Zellweger said she has no motivation to be a mommy. She said: "Motherhood has never been an ambition. I don't think like that. I never have expectations like, 'When I'm 19 I'm going to do this, and by the time I've hit 25 I'm going to do that'. I just take things as they come, each day at a time, and if things happen then all well and good. "I just want to be independent and be able to take care of myself. Anything else is just gravy. I'm very happy, I like my work and I don't want fame and fortune and all the free stuff."
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