.... to be their receptionist! The president of Peta was so impressed with Britney Spears' performance on 'How I met your Mother" that she wants to give her a real life receptionist job. They are offering her $1000 to be a receptionist for an hour, and all the proceeds will go to a children's charity. An this helps the animals how?
Jessica Simpson admitted to the hospital!
Over the weekend Jessica Simpson was admitted to Cedars Sinai Hospital in La due to a kidney infection. A friend of the family comfirmed that Jessica checked in on Friday because she was feeling achy and had a fever. But Jess has since been released and is at home feeling better. Tha last celbrity to be admitted to the hospital for a "kidney infection" was Mary-Kate Olsen and we all know how well that turned out!
Trojan Mannnnnnn!!!!
Now this is hawt! Johnny Depp has reportedly been offered $10 million dollars to be the new face of Trojan condoms. Johnny will be the magnum guy...hehe. If he agrees Jhonny will star in a series of ooffbeat commericals for the company's larger size products. They believe that he will boost sales in the US and help in their anti-aids campain to send free condoms to third world countries. Way to do your part their Capt Jack!
Extra Shizzz!!!!
Ready for a Booty Call!!
Cameron Diaz recently told Britian's GQ magazine "I like boys - a lot. I'm boy crazy. That hasn't changed since I was very young...When I'm in a relationship I'm very loyal and committed. I give a lot. But it's been nice not having a boyfriend for the past year. In fact, it's the first time I haven't had one in 10 years and I'm enjoying what I'm getting out of this moment. I could be in a relationship if I wanted to be, but I haven't finished doing what I'm doing." I don't but that for a nano second! Cameron JT doesn't car that your sleeping around! He has Jessica Beil now!
Jamie Lynn's Rock
Remeber that rock that engagment Jaimie Lynn has been showing off to her friend's? Well here it is, and like her big sis she probably bought it herself! Could'nt she have sprung for a bigger one?
Heidi Montag a Feminist Hero??
Ok that that is just the biggest pile you know what statement that I have ever heard in my 26 years of living!!!! The NY Times recently called Heidi a feminist hero and her reponse to thei was “I was very honored to be called a feminist hero. It’s a big deal to be even acknowledged, let alone complimented by The New York Times by such a profound, famous TV critic.” And when asked is she has and feminist heroes she said “ Um… I’ll get back to you on that one!”. IDIOT!!!!!
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