Monday, May 12, 2008

Sheeee's baaaaack!

So ladies I have a bit of a PSA to give you. DONT EVER LEAVE YOUR DRINKS ALONE!!!!! I was out last week and got druged...yup somebody slipped something in my drink and I was punking my insides into the toilet. Yucky! But I'm better now. :) So onto the Shizz...

AH HA!!!!!

Caught! Rhianna and Chris Brown can go ahead and try to keep saying that they are single.. Well they may be single but they are at the very least doing the bow chicka wow-wow!

Wino as we know and love her!

Amy decided to take a break from one of her recording sessions for a little romp through the forrest. I wonder how may misquitoes attatcked her that day. They like crack too and this chick has it all in her veins.

Owen and Kate Engaged?

Didn't he just try to Kill himself over her? Well the on-again off-again pair were rumored to be engaged because Kate was sporting a hefty rock. But don't get too excited...her rep is saying its just a prop from her latest movie "Bride Wars".

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