Pete Wentz recently opened up to Elle magazine and said that he was a totall prude at one time. Ok so this must have been before his boy kissing days right? Here are my favs from the interview.....
ELLE: Do you remember your first sexual yearnings?
PETE WENTZ: They were for Cheetara, the girl from ThunderCats. She was really fast and had this baton that would extend.
PW: Yeah, but I guess on a man it feels like it’s closer to the belly button. On a girl, it’s farther down. I’ll be honest: I was a superlate bloomer, and I was kind of a prude. I always wanted to be able to keep the number of people I’ve had sex with very low, because I never wanted to have to tell my future wife, “Oh, yeah, I was with 30 people.”
ELLE: You’re saying you wanted to keep your number under 30?
PW: Absolutely. I’m a bit of a tease. I’d make out with a lot of people but not go beyond that. Girls who actually don’t get you who were sure they could get you appreciate you on a different level. The ones who you don’t do it with keep calling you back.
ELLE: My God, it’s The Rules! You are the guy tease.
PW: I am the guy tease, definitely.
Suri Cruise: Most Powerful Toddler in Hollywood

Ok this is just silly! Forbes magazine has named Tomkat's daughter Suri the most influential baby in Hollywood. Brangelina's kids Shiloh, Zahara and Pax. I think Shiloh should have had the honor :)
Brit has a new Boy!

I think this dude is definitly a step up from K-Fed! Brit and the mystery boy were photographed covering their faces as they left in a stylish Porsche. Lets just hope she doesnt mayy this one! Here is a pic of him. He's quite the hottie!

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