Oh Snap!! After years of Jennifer Aniston ebing silent on the subject of Angelina Jolie stealing her man she finally told Vogue what she thinks of the whole situation. At one point Angelina gave the timeline of how she and Brad fell in love on the set of Mr and Mrs. Smith. Apparently Jen thought this was rather tacky of Angie seeing as how they were still married at the time. Jen said "There was stuff printed there that was definitely from a time when I was unaware that it was happening," Aniston said. "I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss."That stuff about how she couldn’t wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool,". Yea I have to agree with ya Jen. But I hate to admit that Brad and Angie do make a great couple.
Wow Lindsey Really?

I know that Lindsey Lohan has said some dumb thngs in the past but this one takes the idiot cake! In a recent interview with Access Hollywood se was asked about how she felt on Obama being our next president. Her response makes me want to slap her! She said that she thinks its cool because he is "our nation's first coloured president." Idiot! Whatc it all go down here
Jayden's Hospital Run May Cost Brit Her Custody

Poor Brit! I know that for the past year she has been the worlds worst mother but this kind of thing could happen to anyone! Jayden James’ recent trip to the hospital may have an effect on Britney Spears' current custody situation with her two boys. Kevin’s lawyers may be looking into whether or not Brit was negligent. An LA based lawyer says, "If she was negligent—for example, he couldn't eats nuts or shrimp and she fed him that—then Kevin could go in and get an order modifying custody.” Poor Brit!
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