Kanye Wesy needs to take a valium! He was arested last night while leaving the Tup Tup club in Newcastle. Aapparenlt he got into a little scuffle with one of the papas. Suprise, surprise. Photog Terry Blackburn claims he suffered a cut face and bruising after Kanye pushed his camera into his face and shouted “Get the fucking camera off him.” Oh Kanye what are we gonna do with you?
She is SO Preggers!

Ok, soI try and not believe all of these preggers rumors but look at Jennifer Aniston's belly!!! When Oprah asked Jenny if she was dating that one person named John Mayer. Jenny perked up and said "YES!" and she also said "NO!" to being knocked up. I dunno, Ashlee Simpson wasn't too forthcoming about her baby news and look at her now!
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