Geeesh remind me never to marry Madonna! Madge obviously doesn't want her divorce from Guy Ritchie to be any kind of private! Rumor has it that she is using her huge staff to watch Guy's every move! He has even compared her approach to their split as being like “something concocted by the KGB”. He said “This is a divorce, not the Cold War.” Poor Guy.
Halle Berry Talks Orgasms

Esquire Magazine knew what they were doing by naming Halle Berry their Sexiest Woman!Halle told Esquire, "You know that stuff they say about a woman being responsible for her own orgasms? That's all true, and, in my case, that makes me responsible for pretty damn good orgasms. They're much better orgasms than when I was 22, and I wouldn't let a man control that. Not any more. Now, I'd invite them to participate. I've learned my tricks. I know what I like. I do not wait around. I initiate." Dayyyum girl!
Nick Hogan Is A Free Man!

Ugh! this spoiled little bastard still makes my sick!!! Nick Hoganwas released from a Florida jail this Tuesday morning due to his sentence being reduced for good behavior. Thankfully his driver's license is still suspended for the next three years. And we still get the pleasure of seeing him complete 500 hours of community service. I can't stand that little brat!!! there is Brooke Hogan jumping on her bro right after he got released. Ugh look at the smile on him!

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