Apparenlty Katy Perry isn't fond of Hills stars Laruen Cinrad and Heiedi Montage. Im cool with Lauren but Heidi makes me want to sctratch my eyes out! Blender magazine asked Katy if she felt any connection to fashion divas Lauren Conrad and Heidi & Spencer of The Hills. She said "Hellz to the **** no. There's no comparison. No offense, but those ladies are a totally different breed. A cheeseburger's fine if you're just looking for something quick to fill you up, but there's no substitute for the filet." Love her!
Scientologists Want To Help Amy Winehouse

Yea, I'm not so sure this is a good idea. Imean look what they have done to Katie Holmes! Members of the Church of Scientology want Amy to get on their Narconon drugs program, which it claims has helped hundreds of people kick their addiction. yIkes! This scares me!
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