Amy Winehouse looks more and morelike death everyday! Apparetnly she's starting to realize it too. Amy was at the Berkeley Square Ball in Mayfair to provide backing vocals for her goddaughter's debut performance. She totattly ruined the event when she lashed out at a photgrapher screaming, "Life can’t go on. I can’t do this any more." I agree with Amy. Her life just can't go on this way.

Britney Spears has put her Hollywood mansion on the market because it is "jinxed" and holds too many bad memories. She says tha it reminds her of too many drunken night where she did nothing but do drugs (and eat cheetos). Brit Brit wants to sell the home so badly that she is even appearing in the sale catolog. Well if she wants people to buy she may want to use a better picture.

Lindsay Going To Court With Daddy!

I am so glad that I am not realted to Lindsey Lohan. Now that she has come out of the closet her dad has been making a lot horrible statments about his daughter. After Michael Lohan said that Sam Ronson was a "bad influence" on Lindz, LezLo took to her blog to publicly talk about her dad, saying that he obviously needs to be on meds. She added that "He is out of line and his words show how much anger he has, and it's dangerous and scary as it reminds me of how he treated my mother and I my whole childhood. He needs to be stopped." Now sh'es taking it a step further. According to reports, Lindsay is so "scared" of her dad, that she's "taking out an order of protection." I honestly don't blame her.
Boy got Paid!

Clay Aikin gave us the "well duh" moment for the week by coming out on the cover of people magazine. But apparenlty he had some insentive to tell everybody what they already knew. Magazine industry insiders reveal that Clay Aiken was paid $500,000 to pose on the cover of People with his new baby AND to talk about coming out of the closet. I'll turn gay for $500,000!!!
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