Heath Ledger's estate has reportedly been estimated at up to $20 million and it looks like its all being given to his 2 year old daughter Matilda. That is if anyone sees it at all. ReliaStar Life Insurance Company wrote the policy for Heath but they don't want to pay up the cash because they think Heath's death may still have been a suicide. Even though it was ruled otherwise. Cheap bastards just don't want to pay up.
Scarlett Johansson And Ryan Reynolds Wed

I guess eloping is becoming a trend for celebrities. Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds tied the knot this weekend in Canada. They had a very low-key wedding Saturday evening at a remote wilderness resort outside Vancouver. Guests included mostly close friends and family. Both Scarlett and Ryan's reps confirmed the wedding, but wouldn't release any further details.
Heather Locklear Arrested!

Poor thing looks so sad! Heather Locklear was arrested in Santa Barbara on Saturday night on suspicion of driving while impaired. She was driving in the Santa Barbara area when she was pulled over by cops. Alcohol was apparently not involved. Police are doing some tests to determine if she was under the influence of drugs. Celebs need to just get themselves drivers for goodness sake!
DJ Am Speaks out!

DJ AM has only been out of the hospital one day and is already thanking his fans for all the support they've shown him since last week's plane crash. He returned to Los Angeles on Saturday his representative Jenni Weinman released a statement saying "While he is deeply saddened by the events, he is thankful for all of the love and support he has been receiving from fans and friends worldwide. We ask that you continue to respect his privacy as he rests and heals and mourns the loss of his friends." Thank god he survived!
Travis was Released too!!!

Right after I posted that story about DJ AM I read that Travis Barker has also been released from the hospital after nine days of treatment. Beth Frits - a spokesperson for Joseph M. Still Burn Center at Doctors Hospital - said that "Travis is doing great and was discharged this morning (Monday)." Thats so awesome!!!
Leave Britney Alone!

Hahah I had almost forgotten about that kid until I saw this story this morning. Britney Spears ex boyfriend Adnan Galib is trying ever so desperatley to keep out attention. He claims that he has a sex tape of Britney thats two hours long which shows they two of them getting it on in Mexico while Brit is sporting her pink wig. Yuck!He wants to sell it to the highest bidder. Gawd he's such a douche!
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