Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Still feeling the effects of BSMF :(

Good lord! It's Tuesday and i'm still felling tired and sore from the weekend. BUT IT WASWORTH IT! Im gonna make this one short today but I'll giva ya the lowdown.....

SCARGO is Engaged

Lucky beeoooootch! Reps for both Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds confirm they are gettin hithced! No details details on when the question was popped, the size of her rock or whether they've set a wedding date, but a source close to Scarlett said that the couple have actually been betrothed "for a little while," and they have kept the engagement on the down-low because "they want to keep things private."

John and Jena are Dunzo!

Damn that was quick! John was chillin in NYC with Maroon 5's Adam Levine on Friday and the rumor mill is saying that John was swapping spit with some blonde. Poor Jen!

Britney to Appear in Court

I guess brit Brit figures she's behaved herself for long enough that she deserves to see more of her boys. She is going before a jundge tomorrow to tryand persuade him to grant her more QT with small fry and tator tot.

Extra Shizz

Amy Winehouse is going Bald!

Ewwwwww!How bad is it that I can't even look at her without gagging!

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