Of Course!

Ok so Mariah and Nick met, got inked, and got married all within 6 weeks of knowing each other. So naturally there are going to be rumors that Mariah has a bun in the oven. And it's been reported that they are already commisioning people from the famed baby boutique Petit Tresor to design the nursery. And as for the decor of the room...what else...butterflies!
He's so gonna Win AI!!!!
Poor Syesha Mercado has no chance! I was originally saying that it was the battle of the Davids...but move over Archuleta. David Cook is in da houuuuuuse!
She got Dumped again!

After about 6 months of dating, Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo are DONE according to Star Magazine! Tony was out in Chicago partying it up with his boys over the weekend… and friends say he told them he and Jessica are “over”… but he didn’t go into details. He apparently spent the night fending off the ladies… and they were Hooters girls! How cheesy! Poor Jess! She JUST told Glamour Magazine all about how much he adores her!
Extra Shizz....
It's Britney Bitch!!!

Oh lord no! Is it just me or does Brit Brit look a little preggers in this pic? And I think I see a little wedgy action going down too!

Yuck Yuck yuck! Amy Winehouse had a little after party at her house last night and Pete Doherty, along with some of their other drug addicted friends were there. Then Pete gave Amy a goodbye smooch. A match made in heroin!

I hate to admit it but this is one engagement that I would be rooting for. Poor Ryan Phillipe though. He was so despressed when he and Resse broke up. Ok I take it back! Reese go back to your baby daddy!
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