Pleeeeeeease!!!!!!! Really?!? Paris' BFFbff show hasn't even gone on air yet and she's already in talks for another show with MTV. Marvel Comics writer Stan Lee, Hilton will reportedly be turned into a superhero. Paris made a statement saying: "I've created a superhero with Stan Lee, which is based on me, and we’re doing a cartoon right now with MTV." One upon a time pamela anderson was made into a superhero and it didnt work for her so I think paris should pass on this one. ooooh what if pam's superhero and paris' superhero got into a catfight?? I would SO watch that!!!
Keepin my Bizness, My Bizness!

Don't ask Jay-Z about his marriage to Beyonce, because he doesn't want to talk about it. He recently did and interview with Vibe magazine and here is what he said.....
Jay on why he won’t talk about his wedding or marriage to Beyonce: “I just think it’s really a part of your life that you gotta keep to yourself. You have to have something sacred to you and the people around you. I shared so much of my life… I should have something to hold on to.”
Jay on Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama:
“What [Obama] represents is, we as a people are part of the American Dream. We were left out of the dream at a certain point. Now the dream is, you can be anything – and it’s not cliché.”
No wonder he's a mogul! He's a smart man!
Can we just put a Muzzle on this one???

Miley Cyrus is opening up about her "relationship' with Nick Jonas. This girl is talking like sh'e grown at 15. 15!!!!!!!!!!!!! During her inetrview with Sventeen magazine she said of Nick “We became boyfriend and girlfriend the day we met. He was on a quest to meet me, and he was like, ‘I think you’re beautiful and I really like you.’ And I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh, I like you so much.’ UGH! She also added....."Nick and I loved each other,”. We still do, but we were in love with each other. For two years he was basically my 24/7. But it was really hard to keep it from people. At first I bawled for a month straight. I was so sad. I just went into this weird funk. And I dyed my hair black. When we were dating, Nick wanted me to get highlights — and so I did that, and I got myself looking great. And then, on the day we broke up, I was like, ‘I want to make my hair black now — I don’t want to look pretty; I want to look hard-core,I was rebelling against everything Nick wanted me to be. And then I was like, ‘I’ve got to be by myself for now, and just figure out who I really am.’” Sigh....to be young and stupid again!!!
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