Apparently Mitch Winheouse is just as crazy as his daughter. He seems to think that her recent hospitalization is because someone else drugged her! Seriously?? Poppa Mitch is convinced that someone put club drug Ecstasy in Amy's drink. Mitch has called the police to register his suspicions and has warned Amy he will find the “friend” responsible. A source says, "Mitch is furious. He’s certain someone put E in Amy’s drink — and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it. He is convinced that one of her hangers-on was responsible and he’s waiting for a toxicology report to show what caused her to fit. If his suspicions are proved right, he wants someone to be punished. He is seriously unhappy about Amy’s flat being a stop-over for randoms and wants an end to it.”
JT is Jealous of Ashton

It makes me giggle the things that celebs get their undies in a bunch over! Justin Timberlake doesn't want people thinking that Ashton Kutcher started the trucker hat trend. He recently made a statement saying "It's funny. I keep hearing Ashton Kutcher say how he was responsible for trucker caps. I've heard him make that statement before. Trace and I were wearing them when we were seventeen. We just kind of didn't care. We kind of still don't." Riiiight!

Wow, Kate Hudson is quite the serial dater! She and Lance Armstrong are calling it quits. Already? They only dated for 3 months but Kate had introduced Lance to her family, son, and ex hubby. And Lance had introduced Kate to his kids, so it must have been pretty serious for the short amount of time they were together. A source said "There was no drama or ugliness – They just decided to end things," a source close to the couple tells Us Weekly. "There is no hatred, just sadness." Apparently the fall out happened over this past weekend when they were at a conference at the Livestrong Summit in Columbus, Ohio. If it happened over the weekend there had to have been some drama!
K-Fed Didn't Want Sole Custody

Why does this not suprise me? Kevin Federline was reportedly "shocked" that Brit Brit didn't fight harder for her kids. Apparently he wasn't aiming for sole custody, and he was just putting up a fight. A source said, "Kevin loves his sons, but he didn't aim for sole custody. He wanted to be a co-parent and didn't expect Britney not to fight for custody. He never wanted full responsibility. He believes both parents should take an active role. It's tough being a single parent, plus he already has another two children." So basically he was fighting for more money, but joint custody? Some things never change!!
Bad Publicity works!

Depsite all the drama and bad press that Miley Cyrus has been getting she still has the Number One album in the country. "Breakout" has sold 371,000 cpoies in the past week. I guess being 15 year old hoochy has its advantages. UGH!
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