I LOVE FERGIE! But I dunno what she's thinking with this!! She has had a few small film roles and word has that for her next movie she will play a prostitute! She is set to appear in the big-screen adaptation of the Tony-winning musical, Nine. She's been cast as Saraghina and will perform a song with Daniel Day-Lewis. Of the role, Fergie says, "She's basically a prostitute on the beach. She introduces him to the world of sexuality. It's a very strong song. I'm just thrilled I get to play a character." Also in the flick will be Kate Hudson, Penelope Cruz, and Nicole Kidman. I actually kinda wanna see this.
She wants to be just like Lindsey

Ok Miley Cyrus has started a hoochy trend amongst tween stars. Ali Lohan is only 14 and shes already following in the slutty footsteps of Lindsey. On Sunday night's episode of "Living Lohan," Ali auditioned for the movie "Troll." One of the dudes she read for was Peter Davy, an award-winning porn director. He's directed such porn hits as "Breast Wishes 14," "Bun Busters 12" and "Voodoo Lust." Hahahahaaaaaa! i bet Mama Lohan loved hearing about that!
Seriously Jess??

Grrrr I just want to tell her to SHUT UP!!!! Jessica Simpson is on the cover of the all-important September issue of Elle magazine and she's trying to milk this coutnry thing for all its worth! In the interview she opened up about a lot of bull!
On her life changing incident:
“I was singing ‘9 to 5’ and I choked and forgot the words in front of the president and in front of Dolly Parton, who’s like the president to me. And the last time I sang in front of the president , I had messed up the lyrics to ‘God Bless America’ so its kind of a thing I have with George W. Anyway, I broke down and said I’m sorry in front of the whole audience. My dad was there. I looked him in the face and said, ‘I will never sing again.’ “
On feeling like America’s most wanted:
“So many people want to bring me down, and I can’t wait to prove them wrong. If they believe what they read about me, they automatically persecute and torment me.”
On her father and manager, Joe Simpson, running his daughter’s love life and career:
“That’s Ludicrous. He just wants me to be happy. Our whole family gets beaten, but that just brings us closer. So people are really doing themselves a disservice.”
On her rocky love life:
“I was going through a lot of pain. I didn’t try anything to change my life other than dating different types of guys and conforming to their worlds. I thought I had to be artsier, more intellectual.”
On her relationship with John Mayer:
“John believed in the Jessica Simpson that’s within. He cherished our love. He helped make me t he woman I am today. John is going to be an amazing man for someone, but I know that I was supposed to be with someone else.”
and my fav....wait for it.......
On recording a song about abuse:
“I had to record that. There’s nothing on my album that you’re gonna hear that I don’t relate to or that I haven’t experienced. Because the only way I know how to sing is from life experience. I don’t want to talk about it, but I have definitely experienced abuse in away that I would tell people to take their heart and run.”
Brit is back to her Tricks

Ayiyi! I am amazed at the fact that you need a liscence to do everything in this world... EXCEPT be a parent! There are a bunch of pics on the net of Britney Spears smoking in front of her toddelr while he plays with the pack of cigarettes. Sigh! Tha girl will never learn! Check out more of the pics here
Momma Looks Good!

Christina Aguilera is helping wish Macy’s a happy birthday, with her new ad.
Macy’s is celebrating turning 150 this October, and they have enlisted some star power to help spread the word. Stars including , Donald Trump, Martha Stewart, Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein all posted for famed Rolling Stone photographer Mark Seliger for a series of commemorative photos to mark the occasion.
Rhianna Show off her Tatas

Well actually they are more like tiggle bitties :) Hahahah...That top is cute but its a little sheer and could use a bra.