He wasn't originally one of my favorites to win American Idol but last night David Cook may have changed my mind! He rocked it with his version of Micheal Jackson's Billy Jean. Im' still pulling for my little David Archuleta though!
Britney version 2.0
Good lord it looks like we're going to have a repeat of Britney's mistakes. 16 year old Jaimie Lynn Spears is due to have a munchkin with her boyfriend Casey Aldridge and now it looks like they are going to be man and wife. Jaime has and engagement ring that she has been showing of to her friends in Louisiana. Ya know when I was 16 I had a little diamond ring from my boyfriend and I thought we were going to live happily ever after. I lived happy and he ended up dropping out and knocking up the girl he left me for... Heheheheheh. Lets hope Jaimie can do a little better!
Amy let's try this again
Amy Winehouse is going back to rehab for the 1,675,987th time. Apparently her management thinks that there are too many bad influences in the UK for her to ever get sober so they want to send her to a rehab in South Africa. In other words her management could stand looking at her peeling face anymore so they are sending her as far away as they can!
Extra Shizzzzzz.......
Ok, so Demi Moore is just about the hottest cougar on the planet so obviously she knows what she's doing when it comes to the beauty secrets, but this is just NASTY!!!! Her latest advice to women that want to look like her..... use leaches! "I feel like I've always been someone looking for the cutting edge of things that optimise your health and healing. I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the treatment was leech therapy. These aren't just swamp leeches though - we are talking about highly trained medical leeches. These are not some low level scavengers - we're talking high-level blood suckers." Even for Hollywood that's just nuts!!!
Brit brings up the Ratings
Well I have to say that I'm impressed. Due to Britney's cameo on "How I met your mother" The show captured its highest ratings ever (among adults 18-49) during its 3 year run with Spears playing a receptionist. Episode had a 4.5 rating/12 share in the demographic had 10.6 million viewers. You go girl!
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