Thursday, August 28, 2008

Its Thursday Already?

JT Even looks good in a Mugshot!

Uh-oh has our little Justin Timberlake been a bad boy? Hahahah I wish! That pic is part of his promtion for his new fashion line. Gawd he's hot!

Jess and Tony Sittin in a Tree

Jessica Simpson is gushing about her loverboy Tony Romoand how he's her "perfect guy." Jessica sat down with People Magazine and said "I just told him today, 'You're the love of my life,' " she confesses in the latest cover story. "I don't really ever say that to anybody. I don't want anybody that's been in my life [before] in my life anymore.I don't even want them to have any way of contacting me." Two words... Carrie Underwood. Just sayin.

Reality TV pays Well

The Hill's is the most addictive TV show ever!! And apparently the "stars" of the show are making mad money off of it. here is a breakdown of how much east cast member makes per episode...

Lauren Conrad: $75,000 per episode
Heidi Montag: $65,000 per episode
Spencer Pratt: $65,000 per episode
Audrina Patridge: $35,000 per episode
Whitney Port: $20,000 per episode
Brody Jenner: $10,000 per episode
Lauren "Lo" Bosworth: $10,000 per episode
Stephanie Pratt: $8,000 per episode

....I'm suprised that Whitney geta paid more than Brody......daaaaaayummm he's hot!

I thought they were making up!

Apparently Lindsey Lohan still hates her daddy! And she's venting her frustrations via myspace. Samantha Ronson slammed Lindsey's dad in her blog and Lindsey is doing some blog bashin of her own....

Here is Lindsay's latest blog, via her Myspace page:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Current mood: betrayed
Category: Life

If you have something to say to me, say it to my face- that's what i have believed my whole life- don't be a coward and say it to others first, let alone all the media in the world- i think we know where the rest of this blog is going... If you guessed it had to do with my father- then you guessed right! It really hurts, because i have tried- after all that my mother and siblings have gone through, i really tried to make things work- For the hope of having a father again-wanting things to change- even though people have said, some people will forever remain the same. Having said that- the people were right, and he is yet to change- but this time, without his daughter by his side- He has become a public embaressment and a bully- To my family, my co-workers, my friends, and a girl that means the world to me (its obvious who that is). He has no idea what is going on in my life because i have chosen not to involve him in it- His recent attack on my life and my loved ones is simply for an ADDICTION THAT HE HAS- FAME. Why he feels the need to comment on anything in my life that i may want to keep private, is beyond comprehension- If he really cared about me and my life, then he would learn to respect my wishes by staying out of it. Samantha has not and would never sell me out. Nor has my mother, who is wonderful. This further proves that any information that my father has about me or the people in my life is internet based- and about as accurate as a page six item. I'm not going to engage any further, though i probably could go on... I have said enough, i have a therapist, and it is not the the camera man at x17.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Yay! Sun!

The Brangelina Baby Farm is getting bigger!

So Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie JUST had their new twins and Brad is already hinting that they want more. Seriously??? He was recenlty asked at the Venice Film Festival if he and Angie would be stopping at six and he said "I'll have two more by next year." Are they nuts? Aaaaah to have money.

Paula Abdul and new American Idol judge were once roommates!!

And apparently they don't hate each other....or so they claim. New judgeKara DioGuardi recenlty did a morning show interview and talked about what she found in Paula's bathroom. But she didnt spill any good gossip. When asked what she found she said she scroed some awesome face cream and lotions. Riiiiight!

Samantha Ronson Planning Tell All Book?

Why? You can sum this thing up with a few words... I'm a DJ and I'm having a pretned relationship with Lindsey Lohan. There. Samantha Ronson best seller. LOL!!! One source said "She's certainly telling friends she's planning to write a book. It's supposed to be about her, allegedly. But come on, you know Lindsay will be all over that book. She's the only one people want to read about." Yup pretty much!

The happy Couple go House Hunting

You know what I'm going to say next........ADMIT IT ALREADY!!!!! Supposedly Chris Brown and Rhianna were caught house hunting. A source said "They have been looking for condos in the LA area because she and Chris want to live together." Let's do some math............

Kissing in public + matching tattoos + house hunting = TOGETHER!!!!

Even Diddy can't afford the Gas prices!!!

This is just funny...and kind of sad at the same time. The price of gas has gotten so ridiculous that Diddy may have retire his private jet and fly commercial! Aaaaw poor Diddy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Am I really getting sick again?? UGH!!!!

No VMA's For Brit!

There were rumors going around that Britney Spears would be doing the VMA's this year to try and make up for her disasterous performance last year. But her manager Larry Rudpolh was quick to squash them. "She did the promo for them, but there never were any plans for her to appear on the show," a spokesman for Rudolph said. I think this is a smart move on Btrinet's part.

Looks like Jen really is better off!!

Looks this the paps aren't drooling over pics of John Mayer now that he's not with Jennifer Aniston. According to one paparazzo source, “Pictures of him and Jen were selling for $20,000 at one point. A picture of him alone gets $200 now. Chasing him from his apartment to Nobu is hardly worth it.” Too ironic!

Perfect for the part!

Johnny Depp is set to play the Mad Hatter in Tim Burtonsa adaptation of 'Alice in Wonderland'!!! OOooooh I can't wait to see this! LOVE ME SOME JOHNNY!!!!

There will be screaming girls Everywhere!

Nick Jonas has teamed up with Bayer Diabetes Care to launch a campaign, dubbed Walk in Nick's Shoes, in which four lucky sweepstakes winners will be flown to LA to partake in a stroll with Nick for a charity walk. Nick made a statemtent saying, "It's going to be really exciting to meet the winners who will walk with other young people and their families to raise awareness and funds for juvenile diabetes. I'm lucky to have great support from my family, friends and fans."

Monday, August 25, 2008

Case of the Mun-days.....

She just keeps getting sadder and sadder!

Amy Winehouse got caught doing drugs on tape...AGAIN! The video was reportedly shot last month in a London pub where Wino was DJ'ing. You can see Amy snorting something off a CD case. It look like Amy's mother-in-law wants her put behind bars ASAP. She spoke out and said, “Prison will do Amy far more good than rehab.” I would have to agree. Click here to see the video

That a Girl Jen!!!!!

Apparetnly jennifer Aniston is happy to have John Mayer out of her life. One of her close friends said “Jen didn’t see herself and John having much in common or having a future together. She wasn’t fazed by the ending of it. She wasn’t hurt at all. She feels fine.” So I guess John Mayer isnt kingpin after all!

Oh please don't!

This is what paris Hilton wore to promote her new hair extention headband “The Bandit”. Looks more to me like some gawd aweful bathing suit ad! Anyhoo....Paris had recently blogged about working on a new album, and rumor has it that her beau Benji Madden would be making a cameo in it. Paris said, “Well, actually I have a studio at the house. He [Benji] actually helped me write some of the songs for my new album, and for the BFF show. He’s a really amazing talent, songwriter and singer." Sigh....

Oooooh Paula's gonna MAD!!!!

Due to dwindling ratings and the departure of longtime show-runner Nigel Lythgow, the producers of American Idol are shaking things up this coming season. For the first time ever, is adding a permanent fourth judge! The new judge is songwriter Kara DioGuardi. She wrote many of Ashlee Simpson's songs. Paula is really not going to enjoy this next season.

What the???

Ok I happen to LOVE Rihanna's style...except for those boots! Lord they are ugly!
Oh! And check this pic out....Chris brown and Rihanna sporting matching tattoos...Nope they aren't together at all!

Friday, August 22, 2008



Sounds like a nasty drink that I used to drink when I was 16. ....Yuck that crap made me puke everytime. Anyhoo.....Gwen Stefani finally gave birth to another baby boy yesterday and she names him Zuma Nesta Rock Rossdale. Seriously? Tha kis is soo gonna get picked on! I mean Kingston is kind of a pimp name...but Zuma? Wow.

Teeny Bopper Hook-Up

Joe Jonas showed up to Taylor Swifts concert Sunday night, but was trying real hard not to get noticed. Supposedly he watched only her performance, then walked backstage to the meet and greet area. One insider said "But when he saw people start to recognize him, he hid. It was real obvious he didn't want people to know he was there to see Taylor." Aaaah young love!

Ok I'm drooling!

In Touch just did a poll on which celeb has the sexiest ab in Hollywood. Sigh. i could look at the islist all day!

#1.) David Beckham

#2.) Robert Buckley

#3.) Mario Lopez

#4.) Hugh Jackman

#5.) Shemar Moore

#6.) Ryan Sutter

#7.) Gavin Rossdale

#8.) Brody Jenner (gawd he's hot)

#9.) Zac Affron

#10.) Mathew McConaughy

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Red Rooster Tonight! yay!

Its baby Number two for Jen and Ben!

This rumor has been going around for a minute but Jen has finally confirmed that she's preggers with baby number two. She made a statment saying We're so excited, obviously. We're very happy. Things couldn't be better. We're kind of taking it easy and just kind of enjoying a little downtime at home." I so hope this one is a boy!

Its Finally Happening!

Well I never thought I would see the day! Britney's already back in the studio working on her new album, which she claims is going to be the best album to date. Spies from Britney's camp say that she is finally going to be recording a track with her ex Justin Timberlake. The two were supposed to team up for her last album, but Britney was a bit of a mess and hardly even showed up to the studio. Britney was even photographed sneaking into Conaway recording studios last night with her mother Lynne by her side to work on some tracks. I hate to admit this but I have always secretly wanted these two to get back together.

Gwen Stefani has been prego for like 2 Years....

....but it won't be much longer before she pops! In Touch Weekly is reporting that Stefani checked in to the hospital to deliver today! Gwen arrived at Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and is scheduled to give birth via C-section today. She so need a little girl so she can play dress up!

Brit Brit's Diet Secrets

I have really got to hand it to Britney. Her body is looking smokin these days! In an exclusive interview for Ok! Magazine she revealed her diet secrets. She said "I'm the healthiest I've been all my life. My diet has a lot to do with my getting into shape. I have no sugar. I don't eat fruit or even fruit juice because of the sugar. I eat chicken and salmon and rice. I eat avocados. I'll have egg whites for breakfast and sometimes turkey burgers for lunch. I try to do just 1,200 calories a day. It may sound like it's not much, but it's actually a lot of food if you eat the right things." She also said that she works out five days a week with a lot of cardio. Damn I need to go to the gym today!

No wonder she's getting a GUT!

Ok that was mean but Jessica Simpson is trying everything to push her country career. First she comes out and saying that she's been abused in the past and now she's endorsing beer. The reports say that she will be the new face of Dallas Stampede Light Plus. I guess its supposed to be some sort of vitamin beer. YUCK! As part of the deal, apparently Jessica has received a reported 15% stake in the brewing company. One insider added “I’m sure it didn’t hurt her beer contract that she’s dating Dallas Cowboys star quarterback Tony Romo. It’s almost like getting a two-fer!”

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is it Friday yet??

This song is SO gonna be a hit!

Some of the biggest voices in music have gotten to gether to record a single called "Just Stand Up" to benefit the Stand Up to Cancer campaign. . This is so awesome! The artists that will be working on the track are Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Mary J. Blige, Rihanna, Fergie, Sheryl Crow, Miley Cyrus, Melissa Etheridge, Ashanti, Natasha Bedingfield, Keyshia Cole, Ciara, Leona Lewis, LeAnn Rimes and Carrie Underwood. Love it!

LiLo is no Lesbo

Apparently Lindsey Lohan has gone from liking women to lusting after Olympians. Lohan found out her pal Billy Bush was going to be interviewing Phelps' mom so she text him asking him to arrange a meet and greet. Her message read: "Tell him he's f**king amazing, and I want to meet him." Bush showed Phelps' mom the text on air and her response was priceless. Clearly horrified, she said, "OK, Lindsay!!! — Delete! Delete! Delete!" Poor Samantha is gonna be crushed!

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!!!

Lord I can't stand these two!! Heidi Montage and Spencer Pratt did a radio interview this morning to promote the new season of The Hills. During the interview they talked about how Heidi is so religious and is still a virgin. Are you kidding me? Supposedly her next album is going to be some Christian monstrosity. Spencer said "We don't sin over here,". He also added that they place "pillows in between" them at night so they're not tempted to have sex. Riiiiight! This would be why Heidi and Spencer had that little pregnancy scare in season two!

Top 10 Worst Female Celebrity Body Parts

Some website call CelebSlam put together a list of the Worst Female Celeb Body Parts. I think its pretty close to perfect. ha-ha!

#10.) Jennifer Love Hewitt's hips

#3.) Jennifer Garner's Toes

#4.) Paris Hilton's Lazy eye

#5.) JLo's Booty (whaaaat?)

#6.) Tori Spelling's Breasts (YUCKY)

#7.) Sarah Jessica Parker's Man Hands

#8.) Micha Barton's Thighs (cheeeeeeeze)

#9.) Jenna Jameson's Lips

and last but DEFINITLY no least...

#10.) Amy Winehouse... pick one!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Massage day yay!

Bump? What Bump?

Looks like Ashlee Simpson is going to end up being another Nicole Kidman. She really doesn't look she's 6 months preggers. Looks more to me like she had a really big sam-ich for lunch.

The Mystery of Paris' Boobs Solved

As if anyone cares! The mystery behind Paris Hilton's big boobs has been solved, and no, it doesn't involve plastic surgery. Hilton has been layering up her push-up bras, which gives the effect of implants, without having to go under the knife. One insider said "Paris has never had plastic surgery,". The new bras she's been sporting are a prototype from her Paris Hilton 'push-up' bra line." I have to hand it to her, they do the trick.

Did you watch the Hills?

This show is starting to get a little "scripted" if you know what I mean. I'm still addicted to it though. Last nights' episode was kind of uneventful. Spencer getting mad at Heidi for the sheer fact that he's a miserable little gremlin. Laurel finds a new boy who is only going to betray her later. Blah, blah, same old same old. much of a beeeeeeeotch is LO!! Team Audrina fo' sho'!